8 MILL CHURCH: This congregation has people from Snake charmers’ community background who are known Nath and Pardi Samaj (caste) which is known as ADHIVASI people. At the same time, they go for begging in the city and involve in Robbery in the nearby areas. They get possessed by the evil spirit in a regular manner. Here people come from the other community as well and many of them experienced deliverance from the evil spirit.

Here is the two Testimony from the Nath Mohalla church:
1. Nandram was a drunkard and used to beat and harass his wife daily after getting back from the Liquor shop. He was eventually gone an extreme of killing his own wife and annoyed the whole family by his evil nature. He was approached by our Church Planting team, through the regular prayers and fellowship, at the end God delivered him from the evil spirit and he became a believer.

2. Jasmin was completely haunted by the evil spirits daily and finally possessed by the evil spirits in her life. She became mentally unstable and began to act weird due to the evil spirit possession. At last, she was helped by her sister-in-law by bringing her to our Church Fellowship to pray for her. By God’s grace, our prayers got answered, God gave her freedom from the evil spirit and became a believer.

Earlier the Church has started at Naya Pura whereas the people came from Bajrang Pura to listen to the Word of God. They had become very eager to listen to God’s word so they invited us to visit their village Bajrang Pura to teach them God’s word. One of our staff visited them to teach in their village on their request. As a result, around 30 to 40 people began to come, and listen the teachings from the New Testament. They were healed from various disease and delivered from evil spirits.

Here are the two testimonies from Naya Pura:
1. Pooja a mother of three girls was praying for a baby boy from her upcoming delivery. Because she had been given delivery to the baby boy earlier but every time the baby boy was delivered it was found dead. This is the main reason that she wanted, if this time its baby boy she desperately needed the baby to be alive. So entire congregation along with God’s servant had prayed for this prayer point. To her surprise, this time the baby boy is alive in spite of her past bitter experience. She put her trust in Jesus ever since that time and dedicated the baby boy for the service of God.

2. Sanju sister who had been suffering from venereal disease in her body since long time had attended the church service on her own. While listening the word in church, she found herself mounted up in the faith by hearing God’s word. She asked the congregation to pray for her healing from her disease. After they prayed for her, she was completely healed from her venereal disease.

There were six people through whom the gospel was shared to the people of Bajrang Pura. The sharing of the gospel took place in a small house in their area. There were about 150 to 200 people gathered together to attend the meeting who came from about 30 to 40 families. In their lives now the change could be seen very obviously, after hearing and applying God’s word.

Here are the two testimonies from Bajrang Pura:
1. Niranjan who was afflicted and possessed by the evil spirit several times in his life. Due to the possession of the evil spirit he used to get pain in his stomach. In the church he heard the testimony of the person who was healed by God. So, he believed God could also heal him completely from the stomach pian. To the astonishment of all, he got healed from the stomach pain by his faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Mukita Solanki who was possessed by the evil spirit also had a bad health condition due to that possession. She was brought in to the church by some of her neighbours. The very day God heard the prayers of the congregation and she miraculously got healed from the health problem as well as delivered from the evil spirit.

A village called as Ghurawad has a Christian population of 60 to 70 % in it. We decided to pray for those families. So, we chose one family and prayed for them. That particular family members were drunkards. After we prayed for them, they had come out of the drinking addiction. Today the entire family started trusting in God and as a result the others in the village also have started putting their trust in the Lord.

Here are two testimonies from Ghurawad:
1. Shoma who was very much in despair due to the severe pain in her stomach, got diagnosed with Kidney stone in the hospital. Later some days she also was possessed by the evil spirit for a time period. As a person who is in deep sorrow, she began to attend our prayer centre in her place. We prayed for her sincerely with the one heart. She was miraculously healed and delivered by God from both Kidney stone problem and evil spirit.

2. Seema who has been going through a trauma in her life because of her father who killed her mother in front of her. This became the main reason in her life for her to be depressed and moody always. When our staff met her in her village, she had been covered by the grace of God and had an opportunity to listen to the word of God. This has changed the way she was thinking about the life and gave her hope towards her future. We prayed continuously for her healing from the depression and God healed her completely.

Taarpura area had been reached by our believers by sharing the good news. Through the sharing of the gospel, there were people who were believing in the Lord as well as delivered by the Lord in their life. For about 20 families have accepted the Lord in their life after committing their life to Lord Jesus. By listening to the word, there were spiritual healing took pace in their life. Today we are trying to share the gospel in all the possible ways to them.

Here is one testimony through which the other people have come to believe in the Lord.
There is an aged person who was diagnosed with Cancer and parallelly having eye problem in her life. She was shared the Gospel by the pastor and she believed in the Lord. As she believed the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, she had put her trust in Him as a healer to heal her from all the diseases.

We held meeting for youth at 8 Mills church, Nath Mohalla.Around 20 to 25 young people to came to attend the meeting. They were taught to walk according to the manner which is said in the bible for youths. They were encouraged to give their youth to the Lord, to be a testifying person in their young age. They were encouraged not to waste their precious time given by God, rather honour God by redeeming the time for Him. Once a month this meeting takes place for the youth. But due to the Covid -19 scenario, it takes once in few months.

Here are two testimonies from the Youth meeting
1. Ravi Raghuvanshi was a gangster of the place known by all for his bad behaviours like stealing, fighting in the streets, and go to do brutal things to any extent to involve in murder activities for money’s sake. There are many cases against him, though there is one for the murder case that he is in jail, still facing the consequence. Though he got bail, he became depressed in life and attempted suicide. Ravi’s friend suggested him to turn him to Jesus and accept Him in his life. Asked him to come to attend the church with him. After meeting the Pastor, he shared his entire life story to the pastor. Then he was prayed by the Pastor, right there he put his trust in the Lord Jesus. Later some days, every allegation against him become nothing. Cases are finished. Now Ravi decided to serve the Lord in his life.

2. Kanha whose father is a Labour working in a Pastor’s house as a labourer. Kanha has been weak and not been able to eat for a long time. Kanha’s father had taken many places for him to be getting healed but nothing happened. One day Kanha’s father witnessed Pastor praying for the sick people. Then he asked the pastor about what he is doing to the sick person. When explained by the pastor how God heals through prayer, he asked Pastor to pray for his son Kanha as well. When pastor prayed, Kanha miraculously healed. Due to the Kanha’s healing the entire family had put their trust in the Lord Jesus

There are about 50 people willing to renew their life with full commitment by getting Water Baptism but due to severe persecution on Christians throughout the Madhya Pradesh, this has been getting delayed. By God’s grace we were able to baptise 10 believers this month from Indore Slums and Villages Church Planting Ministry Field. This has been extremely happy moment for the newly Baptized believers as well as for us that God has enabled us to do so.
